Password Protection Standards: |
- Passwords should not be inserted into email messages or other forms of electronic communication.
- Passwords should not form a word in any language, slang, dialect, or jargon.
- Passwords should not include personal information including family names, birthdates, addresses, SSNs, etc.
- Do not use the same password for accounts as for other access f. Do not construct passwords that contain a word/phrase in any language, slang, dialect, jargon, etc. or be based on personal information, names of family, birthdates, etc.
- Construct and use strong passwords.
- Do not write down passwords or store passwords online.
- Do not talk about any passwords in front of others.
- Do not share your format for constructing a password (e.g., “my family name”)
- Do not reveal a password on questionnaires or security forms.
- Do not share a password with family members.
- Do not reveal a password to co-workers while on vacation.
- Do not use the “Remember Password” feature of applications (e.g. web browsers, etc.) that remember your password when the username is entered.
- Do not store passwords in a file on ANY computer system including mobile devices without encryption.